Annual Report 2018
The last year has been an interesting but quiet one for the Association.
Highlights were:
Meetings: The election year ‘Meet the Candidates’ meetings organised by the Committee for the candidates for political parties to show their wares to our members. These were held at the Rita Angus and Malvina Major Retirement villages and elicited good attendance and thoughtful questions from the floor.
We also sponsored a meeting which explored the state of our health system in depth.
The Committee organised a Christmas Lunch for members at the Grand Restaurant on Courtenay Place
In the coming year the Committee has agreed to try and organise more meetings with a view to a more involving the membership.
Zone Meetings: Attendance at zone meetings. This has involved the President and Vice President meeting with other Associations in the lower half of the North Island once every 3 months for updates from our representatives on the Federation Board. These have proven to be very interesting and an opportunity to have our input from Wellington heard.
Election of Federation President. This year saw the retirement of Tom O’Connor as Federation President. There were three candidates for the role. Mr Mac Welch, Ms Jo Millar and myself. Mr Welch won narrowly after a somewhat tumultuous campaign which included failure to advise candidates of the details of the election campaign, and a mysterious email campaign. We will work with Mr Welch and endeavour to liaise with the Government and Opposition to return to our role with Grey Power the leading advocate for seniors.
Committee Activities: Your committee has decided to meet more regularly and promote more events for the membership. Plans for this will follow the election of a new Committee.
This year marks the retirement of Ray Markham from the committee. Ray has been very active over the past years and his efforts and assistance will be sorely missed.
Bruce McLachlan, Caroline Hubbard, Pat Hubbard, Terry and Elaine Scoble, Bernadine Pool, Owen Watson and I have indicated a willingness to continue as members of the committee for the next year. We would of course welcome new members to the committee’s ranks.
Our Next Members Meetings:
- Saturday 29 September: With guest Speaker
Hon Chris Finlayson, at Wellington City Library, Mezzanine Room, at 2pm. - Saturday 13 October: With Guest Speaker
Hon Dame Annette King, at Wellington City Library, Mezzanine Room, at 2pm,.
Parking in the basement of the Library.
See you all there!
Lloyd Falck
President, Grey Power Wellington Central