Newsletter March 2022

Subs due

. . . except for those who have paid in advance! If your subscription is due you should have an invoice enclosed with this newsletter. If you lose the invoice our account is WELLINGTON CENTRAL GREY POWER INCORPORATED, Account number: 38-9008-0407615-00. Subs are $25 (one person) or $30 (two people at the same address).

Grey Power AGM

NB: now on June 15, same time & place)

Our AGM is on Saturday 30 April at 1:30pm at Tararua Tramping Club, 4 Moncrieff St, Mount Victoria. Obviously this is subject to the usual Covid caveats and restrictions. The venue is handy to Courtenay Place bus stops, and the No 2 bus, and parking is free in the area (but keep off residents parks). We’ll announce any changes to this event on our email list and the website. If you’re not online contact us on our phone 595 6255 (the answering message should say if we’re postponing it). If you’re interested in joining our committee contact

President’s report

With the uncertainty created by Omicron your Grey Power Wellington Committee is reluctant to schedule events and then have to cancel them. Unfortunately, we have again had to cancel the planned meeting with our President Jan Pentecost, which was scheduled for 24 March. We do hope that meeting can be re-scheduled so you can hear more about the Federation’s advocacy.

We appreciate that many seniors are hunkering down until the Omicron wave passes and hope there isn’t another strain of Covid in the wings. Wellington is well placed with interesting speakers, so we will let you know when your committee believes we can restart activities.

The February Zone 4 zoom meeting was well-attended. Positive changes were highlighted about the administration of the Federation office, with services and advocacy with technology being embraced at all levels. We robustly discussed association remits for the Federation AGM.

I remind customers of Grey Power Electricity that if your membership is not current the Federation notifies you that your electricity discount will be discontinued. We encourage you to pay your membership on receipt of your membership invoice to ensure your discounted electricity supply continues.

We hope you can attend our AGM on 30 April. We have vacancies for Secretary and Treasurer so if you have those skills please consider taking on those roles.

Colleen Singleton

ACC claims

The ACC National Advisory Group is preparing a submission to the Minister for ACC requesting that the section of the Act relating to personal injury, clause 26 (4, a), be removed because it states that ‘personal injury – does not include personal injury caused wholly or substantially by the ageing process.’

We are concerned that this could well be a breach of human rights as they relate to ageing.

ACC carries limited statistics on these injuries. It is our belief that many are never notified because doctors believe the claim may not be accepted.

If this has happened to you or you have been refused ACC cover with regards to this section could you please let us know? Contact

Member Roberta Eykholt’s ACC story (printed with permission)

6 to 7 years ago when I was only 57 or 58, I had an accident moving appliances into storage. The accident resulted in my tearing the tendons in my shoulder. I completely broke them so they were no longer attached.

ACC rejected my claim because this apparently occurs normally with age. I had experienced no deterioration prior to this accident. Both my surgeon and insurance company expected this result and disagreed with it. My surgeon commented that only athletes get this surgery paid for following an accident.

The good news was my insurance covered it with a deductible. They were happy to tell me that they just go back to ACC and recover their portion. It is all a scam.

I paid the $2000 deductible and  had the surgery and have never had a problem since. Even now at 64 I am incredibly fit and healthy. I even carried a 16kg backpack on the Milford track last October.


Climate change

From Grace May & Bethany Waller, University of Auckland

Climate change and the equity of how we respond as a people are a key concern for Grey Power.

So, I’m very pleased to be able to pass on to all members the opportunity to take part in research on this subject. The details of the survey are as follows:

You are invited to participate in a short online questionnaire that takes 10-15 minutes to complete. The questionnaire asks questions about your perception of climate change, what you think can be done to address climate change, and what the concept of climate justice means to you. Participation is completely anonymous, and your identity will not be known to the researchers. By completing the questionnaire (and supplying your email address at the end of the survey) you will be entered into a prize draw to win one of four $50 supermarket vouchers. Here’s the address for the survey:

Research into end of life experiences

Jessica Young, Victoria University, aka University of Wellington

I am writing with regards to two research projects I will start recruiting for shortly. They are both about end-of-life experiences of two different groups of people who have life-limiting cancer, funded by the Cancer Society. 1. those who have declined hospice services or those whose referral has been declined by hospice, 2. Those who are seeking assisted dying. Given the COVID situation and the health status of the participants, we will conduct the interviews online. There will be a $30 grocery voucher for each interview.

I have received ethical approval for each study from the Northern B Health and Disability Ethics Committee., and funding from the Cancer Society. Please contact me (Jessica Young) on or 04 886 4513.

The Elder Abuse Prevention Fund

Office for Seniors

The Office for Seniors Elder Abuse Prevention Fund is now open and is accepting applications. We have received $200,000 from the Joint Venture for Family Violence and Sexual Violence to fund projects that focus on violence prevention needs within the older population (aged 65+) in New Zealand.

We will give priority to projects and initiatives that:

  • show collaboration with other organisations and community groups
  • include diverse communities within the older population (65+) including Māori, Pacific, ethnic, rainbow, and disabled communities.

More here:

Squatting in mobility parking spots

One of the many annoyances for the disabled are when mobility parking spaces are taken by the able-bodied.

The central Grey Power asked associations to gather support for Claire Dale’s petition to Parliament to make mobility parking rules enforceable.

However the petition closed on the 14 February. The link below should take you to the petition on the Parliament website and show its progress.


Run by SeniorNet New Zealand, SeniorHangouts is a virtual learning centre that helps older New Zealanders move into the digital space with confidence.

SeniorHangouts is a mobile and tablet application where members can access a range of technological courses that, helps people to navigate services like online banking, online shopping, government services such as IRD, and popular sites like Facebook Messenger, Netflix, YouTube and more.

As most organisations and services now online, SeniorHangouts is committed to educating and helping seniors have confidence in carrying out their online activities.

SeniorHangouts connects about 8500 SeniorNet members across New Zealand.

Join up here:

Changes to residency rules for NZ Super coming

Parliament has passed a Bill, that means people will have to have lived longer in New Zealand before they qualify for NZ Super or Veteran’s Pension.

The New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income (Fair Residency) Amendment Act 2021 will affect both New Zealanders who have lived overseas for extended periods and migrants.

Currently people need to have lived in New Zealand for at least 10 years after age 20. Starting in July 2024, this residency period will gradually increase to 20 years by July 2042. People already getting NZ Super or Veteran’s Pension aren’t affected by this change.

People will still need to have lived in New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue or Tokelau (or a combination of these) for at least 5 years since they turned 50.

The additional years of residency required under the Act can be made from residency in New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue or Tokelau (or a combination of these). There are also special accommodations for refugees.

There is no change to the age people can start to receive NZ Super or Veteran’s Pension (65), or the amount of money people receive.

A person may qualify for NZ Super with less than the relevant residence requirement if they have migrated to New Zealand from a country that New Zealand has a social security agreement with.

Here’s a link to the Bill:

Smart homes for seniors

The New York Times had an interesting article on the best tech for seniors: (it’s paywalled)

Some products it recommends are:

Google Nest Protect: can alert other people when your alarm sounds

Apple Watch Series 7: fall detection, emergency alert others (needs an iPhone)

Amazon Echo Show: talk and control other devices, video chats with anyone with an Alexa app.

These devices can work without a contract, the tradeoff being the purchase price.

Handyman needed

One of the most common queries we get is “can you recommend a handyman” (apologies to women who are handy with DIY). This comes both from seniors and firms wanting to employ them. If you know of anyone with DIY skills (of either sex!) who is trustworthy and competent please let us know: email

In memory of Violet McCowatt

The Grey Power Federation board is saddened to hear that Violet McCowatt has passed away and our thoughts are with Violet’s family at this time.

Violet was an amazing person and older people were so lucky to have had her help during her long involvement in Grey Power, as an association member, board member and as office manager. 

Violet will be sadly missed by the many Grey Power members and others who she had contact with over the years. They  will remember her for all her hard work for older people.

Aged Care Commissioner

One of the Government’s promises has finally come about with the appointment of an Aged Care Commissioner, with the job of protecting the rights of people receiving aged care services. Carolyn Cooper has experience in District Health Boards management and clinical leadership in aged care, rehabilitation and general services.

An interesting look by Newsroom at what awaits the Commissioner:

Gold Card discounts

Don’t be too credulous about the stated discount with your Gold Card; occasionally the discount is off the recommended retail price rather than the published price. Yes, I mean you, Tony’s Tyre Service!

$5 home internet

Seniors can get internet for $5 per month through the Skinny Jump scheme. It’s offered through some libraries and community centres  in Wellington. If you don’t have access to the internet   either visit or call a local library, or Google “skinny jump” if you have. It is more for the casual user with email as there are data limits which make it unsuitable for streaming services such as Netflix.



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