Anyone is welcome to become a member of Grey Power. If you would like to join please complete the form below.
What do we offer?
Within our congenial and democratic Association, you can help put pressure on Government and other organisations. You will also receive a quarterly magazine from the Federation, information on discount buying, newsletters throughout the year, have an opportunity to hear key speakers at our regular meetings, and access to the Grey Power electricity /gas discounted supplier. We also offer other discounts; see the central list.
Grey Power Wellington Central issues a Newsletter 4 times throughout the year – it is emailed to members, and posted to those who don’t have email access. Occasional email blasts are sent out to advise members (those with email!) of events or other items of interest coming up.
What do we need?
YOUR SUPPORT. The more members we have, the more weight we have with Government. Many members support by simply belonging. Others are more involved, helping with the telephone tree, producing newsletters and organising meetings. We need members with skills in the fields of welfare, law, journalism, research and resources like computing, photocopying, and other office machines.
The cost?
Annual Membership fees are: Individual $15 (it was $20 last year!), Couple $30 , covering the year April to March (joining after 1 Jan will entitle you to to membership till March of the following year).
If you have a credit/debit card, and are OK about paying online, please complete the form below.
If you don’t want to or can’t use a debit/credit card, the fees may be direct credited to our bank account: Kiwibank, 38-9008-0407615-00 (please put your name and phone number in the Reference fields, and also email us with your name, address, phone no, and year of birth).
If you want to use cash, pay into our account (38-9008-0407615-00) at most Post Offices and any Kiwibank. Please use your phone number and name in the reference, or email us.
Renewals: If you are outside Wellington and are renewing your subscription, you may belong to another Grey Power branch and need to renew with them directly: please check the map here for local branches. Any queries should go to
If you are in Wellington and you want to renew, please wait until you have received a subscription notification. Dealing with double payments is a pain in the a*
Other nearby branches are Kapiti Coast, Hutt City, Upper Hutt, Wainuiomata, and Wellington South East
Yes, I want to join!
- Yes, I live in the Wellington area
- I live elsewhere (you usually join the closest branch to where you live)