About us

Grey Power Wellington Central is a local association of Grey Power, the national organisation for New Zealanders over 50.

What we do

Grey Power lobbies on issues that affect the over 50s, superannuitants and the very elderly. This includes any issues that are likely to impact on New Zealanders in the future, such as the rising cost of power.

Read Grey Power’s aims & objectives and policies on the national Grey Power New Zealand website.

Who we work with

Grey Power works alongside many other organisations that support the same target group in different ways, all supporting the rights and futures of older New Zealanders and the community.

How we are organised

The Wellington Central association of Grey Power is run by a local committee which includes President, Secretary, Treasurer and Events personnel. Grey Power Wellington Central is one of over 70 associations that make up Grey Power, a national body.

Funding and support

Your membership fee helps us to run meetings, manage the website and keep Grey Power relevant and a part of your future.

We are always looking for new ways to fund Grey Power Wellington Central, and are happy to discuss options with those of you interested in assisting the organisation with donations or endowments.

Please contact the President of Grey Power Wellington Central.

Our Constitution (under our original name of the Wellington Central Superannuitants Assn Incorporated)

Our history

(to come)

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